
Moto: Ready to serve


Bhumi is the only element that is connected to all the five senses of the human body – the sense of taste, touch, sound, smell and sight.

Bhumi has been personified as a deity, a goddess. In different cultures the Goddess is also portrayed as a fertility deity. By fertility, here we mean service. 

Bhumi by nature is heavy, rough, dense, hard and inset. It stands for stability of mind, body and health of inhabitants.

Bhumi has various aspects of beauty. The sound of Bhumi is dim, dull and produces a thrill.

The colour green, signifies Bhumi, it stands for harmony and balance. It 

symbolizes hope, renewal and peace. Greens are generally frank, refined and civilized.

Having a sense of humility and a drive to serve is what we develop in our Swastikites.